Contact Us
When You Call
When you call to book an appointment, please indicate to the staff what the appointment is about, such as an annual exam and vaccines, a brief procedure like nail clipping, or whether the appointment is for a sick animal.
When You E-mail
Please use email to update the staff on changes to your client profile (ie. you are moving) or status of your pet. You can ask general questions that are not of an urgent manner, give a patient progress report, or ask for a price quote for a procedure.
Please Note: We ask that all appointments be arranged by phoning the office and speaking directly to staff.
In an effort to decrease the use of paper and to help the environment, we have the ability to distribute our semi-annual newsletter electronically via email. If you are a client and would like to receive future newsletters via e-mail, please let us know.
6958 Wellington Road 16
Belwood, Ontario N0B 1J0
Phone: (519) 843-1783
Fax: (519) 843-3628